State Space Models

All state space models are written and estimated in the R programming language. The models are available here with instructions and R procedures for manipulating the models here here.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A More Conservative Peak Oil Forecast

In an earlier post (here) I presented a Peak Oil forecast that was pretty pessimistic: world oil production would collapse by 2040. I have been reluctant to publish this forecast because (1) the conclusions seemed pretty catastrophic and (2) the prediction intervals just looked too good, that is, too narrow implying a high degree of confidence that I didn't have. Above is another Peak Oil forecast with different prediction intervals that seem more realistic, that is, the downturn in world oil production might persist for a while but there is some probability (however small) that new technologies will come along that allow oil production to continue expanding. 

The problem with the original set of prediction intervals is that they did not take into account the error in the WL20 state variables that were used as input variables to the Peak Oil forecast. It was simply assumed that the raw forecast outputs of the WL20 model were the best future predictors for the world system. In any conventional forecasting model that has input variables, it is typically assumed that the forecast input variables are the best future predictors for the system. The assumption is certainly questionable and, at minimum, does not recognize that any model-based forecast has uncertainty attached to its outputs. Here's a simple causal diagram:

Typically, forecasts only take E2 into account when construction a forecast as was done with my initial Peak Oil forecast. E1 is simply ignored even though there is clearly cascading uncertainty in the model.

The conservative forecast above essentially takes both the E1 and E2 errors into account when computing prediction intervals for oil production since E1 is transmitted indirectly through the WL20 state variables.

A question at this point would be what if we ignored the E1 path entirely and just predict Oil Production without any input variables, what I would call a business as usual or BAU forecast. The Hubbert curve or Hubbert peak models were essentially BAU models with a different functional form i.e., the Logistic Distribution Curve. The advantage of the BAU models is that there is no cascading uncertainty. The BAU forecast in the graph above predicts that oil production will approach a peak somewhere between 80 million and 140 million tons of oil equivalent and stay there forever. This forecast is probably consistent with the improbable upper prediction interval of our initial conservative forecast.

Aside from the fact that we know oil is a nonrenewable resource, why should we prefer any of these plausible forecasts over any of the others? If we limit ourselves to the step-ahead AIC criteria, the BAU model is the winner with [264.70 < AIC=240.18 < 309.53] compared to the world system model with [290.42< AIC=279.72 <315.11]. However, if instead we calculate the attractor-based AIC, the WL20 model is best with AIC = 278.58 as compared to AIC=538.30 for the random walk model and AIC=315.06 for the BAU model. In other words, the BAU model is good at predicting next year's oil production but not very good at looking 50 years into the future (recall that the attractor simulation starts in 1950 and, from that initial position, simulates oil production out to 2008).

My experience has been that single equation models such as the BAU model or the Logistic model, are good at step-ahead predictions and are not subject to cascading uncertainty from input variables. However, single-equation models are not necessarily very good at predicting into the future even if the confidence intervals look quite narrow. And, because attractor models describe a path the system wants to move toward, their predictions also make more theoretical sense. The key here is to run the attractor simulation and compare the AICs for that simulation rather than the step-ahead simulation.

The ultimate test of all this is to compare the actual path of oil production over the next thirty years to the predictions of the various models--I just won't be around to make that comparison. In the next post, I'll explain how to generate these forecasts for the next generation in case they are interested.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Using Forecasting Models

In an earlier post (here) I explained how to use the WL20 model and the ws (world system) package. In this post, I will explain how to use forecasting models such as the one used to make my Peak Oil forecast (here).

Assuming that you have followed my earlier post, have R installed on your machine and have also installed the dse and the matlab packages successfully, the forecasting models are all available here. For this demonstration, download the PeakOilIndexModel to your working directory. Then you can enter the following commands at the prompt in the R console:

> W <- "the complete path name for your working directory"
> setwd(W)
> source(file="LibraryLoad.R)

> load(file="WL20v3_model")
> load(file="ws_procedures")
> load(file="PeakOilIndexModel")

The available forecasting models can be seen by typing (a help file for all the ws package functions is available here):

> summary(OIL.model)

The resulting listing will show each of the available models. For example,

[1] "BAU"
Eigenvalues of system matrix
[1] 0.9836614
[1] TRUE
     Parameter     Mean Mean LCI Mean UCI P>=T[1] P< T[1]
[1,]  240.1784 288.4285 264.6985 309.5271       1       0
     Std. Dev.      Bias    Bias-z
[1,]  18.21428 -48.25009 -2.649025
[1] "boot"


The BAU (Business As Usual) entry shows a number of statistics used to evaluate the model. The Structural model displays NULL because no structural model was estimated.

The first statistic displayed for the BAU model is the eigenvalue of the system matrix. If all the eigenvalues are less than unity, the model is stable, which is displayed next as [1] TRUE. The next line shows the bootstrap distribution of the AIC statistic. The first value, 240.1784, is the sample AIC statistic. The second value is the bootstrap mean AIC statistic. The third and fourth values are the lower and upper 98% confidence intervals for the AIC statistic. The remaining values display probabilities, standard deviation and bias for the sample AIC statistic. If you want to inspect the BAU model, enter:

> getModel(OIL.model,type="bau")

Given the AIC statistics, the BAU model is the best one observed. For the forecast, however, I used the  best attractor model which you can display with

> getModel(OIL.model,type="best attractor")

The best attractor model is based on a free-simulation of each estimated model and is chosen using the AIC statistic from the free simulations vs. the actual data residuals. In this case, the world index model

> getModel(OIL.model,type="world index")

provides the best attractor simulation. You can get a flavor for the differences in the predictions from the two models by entering:

> tfplot(sim(getModel(OIL.model,type="bau")))
> tfplot(sim(getModel(OIL.model,type="world index"),sampleT=95,input=WL20.fx))

The BAU model predicts a gradual decline over time in the rate of oil production while the best attractor model shows a sharp peak-and-collapse between 2000 and 2020. 

Why should we be willing to choose one of these models over the other? One is best by conventional standards (step-ahead predictions using the AIC). Another is best by standards derived from attractor theory and application of the AIC criteria to the free simulations of each model. 

In future posts, I'll work through this issue and also reveal some more of the things you can do with the forecasting models using the dse and the ws packages. At this point, you should be able to at least load and inspect the models.